1st Featured Photo: Raiz
Technical Details:
Camera: Nikon D40
Lens: Kit Lens 18-55mm F3.5-5.6
Aperture: F10
Shutter: 1/160
ISO: 200
Yep! You read it right! I used a Nikon D40 for this shot! It's an entry-level DSLR that was released around 6 years ago. And I only used the kit lens that came with it.
I wanted to tackle the most popular cliche in photography, which is "It's the Indian, not the Pana."
For some time now, every time I get to do a good photo, my camera seems to always get the credit
"Dale, ang ganda talaga ng camera mo!!"
So for this week, I borrowed a friend's camera to prove that you can also get good photos with just the basic DSLRs. It's really all about maximizing your equipment and using the light to your advantage.
Having said that, does it mean that I will be giving up my camera?
Heck no!! An Indian with a high-caliber rifle will still get more hunting opportunities compared to an Indian still using a wooden pana! :D
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Featured Photo 2: Kristine
For my second photo, I wanted to continue showing all the cool stuff you can do with lighting. Minimal editing was done on this photo and the motion blur was achieved by using a slow shutter speed together with the lights. Yes you can do that with Photoshop, but why bother if you can do it in-cam? :D
Technical details:
Camera - Nikon D700
Lens - 85mm f1.4
Aperture - F4.0
Shutter - 1/10
ISO - 200
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